Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Wow. How the heck did I end up going over a month with posting any updates.

So the last month has been busy. My living history season is getting fired up. The early goose hunting season is in. Omar the wunderpuppy has had a delightful bout with some strange guttural problem that sorta put him in the hospital for two days. I had to go on the road for a couple days and had planned to board him at the breeder's kennel where I got him. But with a sick pup that was out and he ended up getting boarded at the vet's office.

Work has been busy as usual.

And I have been a pitiful excuse of a weight-loser. I haven't been to the gym since before I went to Wyoming. It simply feels like I have lost some of my early control.

But, thankfully, I know a loving God who is really helping me.

This afternoon, while waiting on a customer, as they were backing into the building, I stepped onto the scale. I figured I was probably about the same as I had been before. But evidently, something is just working.

432 today.

That is down another 10 pounds since July 10. And I really can't explain it, other than divine help. But this is encouragement that I needed to refocus and reorganize again.
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