Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Report

I had a 3-month follow-up with my Doctor this morning and got a very good report that I was not expecting.

When I started this long road, I of course consulted with my primary care physician to get advice and guidance, and also to establish a few baselines of my overall health.

Now, the only real health problem I had at the beginning was the obesity, but it was just a matter of time before it really caught up with me.

One of the areas that was on the verge of being a problem was my blood pressure. I have never been diagnosed as having hypertension or high blood pressure, but it wasn't long until I did. Actually, my systolic pressure (the top number) was in the Stage 1 level of hypertension and the diastolic was in the prehypertension levels. The reading in May was 148/82.

Today, the reading was 124/86. And while these are still a little bit high, they show definite progress.

It's a good day.


Anonymous said...

Nice work!

My cousin Eric (I don't know if you met him a long time ago) is about your size and he contracted diabetes from his obesity. Of course back in the day he used to drink Dr. Pepper like it would be gone the next day so this probably didn't help.

As a side note the Word Verification I have to write to post this this is "chrome"! Oh yeah!

Anonymous said...

COOL! Won't be long, you'll be laughin at me for havin chub! We all know I'm bound for it anyway, lol